Click on your desired arrival and departure date.

Select your desired period of stay.

Rýchlo zadajte požadované termíny a ihneď uvidíte, či je ešte voľná dostupnosť vrátane ceny. V hlavnej sezóne v lete a v zime je príchod a odchod možný len v sobotu. Definitívne rezervácie budú vykonané až v ďalšom kroku po zadaní požadovaných termínov. Vo všetkých našich rezerváciách je v cene zahrnutá 1 sada posteľnej bielizne a 1 sada uterákov na osobu.

00-00-0000 00-00-0000

Your booking

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Všetky pobyty zahŕňajú sadu uterákov a sadu posteľnej bielizne na osobu. V kuchyni je aj utierka, utierka a utierka.


Dom sa nachádza na 1. poschodí, pozostáva z 2 spální s manželskou posteľou a jednej spálne s prístelkou, dvoch kúpeľní s... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 180,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 8 Persons
80 Square meter.


Tento apartmán sa nachádza na 1. poschodí a pozostáva zo spálne s manželskou posteľou, kúpeľne so sprchovacím kútom a WC... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 125,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 4 Persons
45 Square meter.


Tento dovolenkový dom sa nachádza na 1. poschodí a pozostáva z 2 spální s manželskou posteľou (1 z týchto spální má manž... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 160,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 5 Persons
70 Square meter.

Großer Bärenkopf

Tento apartmán sa nachádza na 2. poschodí a pozostáva z 2 spální s manželskou posteľou a jednej spálne s poschodovou pos... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 160,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 6 Persons
70 Square meter.


Tento apartmán sa nachádza na 2. poschodí a pozostáva z 1 spálne s manželskou posteľou, kúpeľne s priestranným sprchovac... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 125,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 4 Persons
50 Square meter.


Tento apartmán sa nachádza na 2. poschodí a pozostáva z 1 spálne s manželskou posteľou a poschodovou posteľou, kúpeľne s... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 125,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 4 Persons
45 Square meter.


Dovolenkové štúdio sa nachádza na 2. poschodí a pozostáva z obývacej izby/spálne s dvojitou pružinou, kúpeľne so sprchov... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 75,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 2 Persons
25 Square meter.


Tento dovolenkový dom je prístrešok Chalet Sonnentanz a je vhodný až pre 8 osôb, nachádza sa na najvyššom poschodí a poz... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 180,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 8 Persons
110 Square meter.

Chata Sonnentanz so saunou

Tento dovolenkový dom je novým kúskom Chalet Sonnentanz a je vhodný pre maximálne 7 osôb. Nachádza sa na prízemí s vlast... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

* Prices do not include: Záverečné upratovanie € 180,00
Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 16.00 - 20.00
Departure until 09.00
Max. 7 Persons
105 Square meter.

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